Please complete the form below and submit. Or, if you prefer to download and print please click the button for a PDF.

LAVMC One-Day Rental Application

One-Day Rental Application – Page 1

Reference/Contract #___2025_____

Los Alamos Valley Men's Club
429 Leslie Street / P.O. Box 13
Los Alamos, CA 93440 | Email: [email protected]

One-Day Rental Agreement – Page 2

Agreement Terms Continued – Page 3

Agreement Terms Continued – Page 4

I have complete authority to sign for this entity(s) or as myself and understand that my typed name hereto acts the same as my written signature by hand.

Hall Cleanup Guidelines – Page 5

  1. Clean and store tables/chairs as described.
  2. Sweep and mop dance floor (water only).
  3. Clean restrooms and kitchen.
  4. Remove all trash to dumpster, replace liners.
  5. Remove all decorations.
  6. Turn off lights, fans, water, heat.
  7. Lock all doors and windows.
  8. Notify Building Steward of issues.
I have complete authority to sign for this entity(s) or as myself and understand that my typed name hereto acts the same as my written signature by hand.
Submit Rental Application

For more information, to donate, or to volunteer,

please contact: [email protected]


(805) 619-8631

429 Leslie Street, POB 13,        Los Alamos, CA 93440